Professional Looking Repairs You Can Do Yourself

Tarmac Repair in Progress
Ideally if your driveway needs a bit of tarmac repair done to it you should try to get it done by the paving company that constructed your driveway. The trouble with that though is often the repairs needed are so small that getting the professionals in to do it is just too expensive. Fortunately, nowadays there is a great variety of tarmac repair products available that are simple and easy to use. DIY tarmac repair has never been easier. The only problem is deciding which tarmac repair kit you need.
Repair Products Suitable for Potholes and Depressions
Obviously when it comes to small tarmac repairs different repair requirements mean using different products. For potholes or depressions in your drive a hot tarmac mix is best but you need specialized equipment and protective gear to handle it. Also you would be unlikely to find any commercial mixing plant that would be prepared to deliver less than several tonnes. And even if they were prepared to deliver exactly what you want the transport cost would be so prohibitive to make it not worthwhile.
The answer to this then is a cold tarmac repair product which can be bought in easy to handle bags. The contents of these tarmac repair bags are pretty much the same as you would get with a hot mix except the bitumen binder has been cut back to allow it to be used cold. Some of these products are ready for use as they are. Simply open the bag and use. Others need the addition of some water to make the product workable.
You can buy the bags on their own or as part of a kit which includes the cold pour. The cold pour is used to coat the bottom and sides of your patch before you put the cold mix into it. This seals the patch and prevents moisture from getting in and damaging the underlying foundation layers. If you purchase just the bags, you may need to buy the cold pour separately to ensure the patch is done properly.
You can also buy a fluid cold patch that comes in tins. Open the tin and stir the cold pour with either a stick or a stirring attachment in your drill and then it’s ready to use.
Rejuvenating Old and Tired Looking Driveways
You can also purchase products that will allow you to paint over the existing surface and leave you with a bright shiny new looking surfacing. Be careful which type you buy though. Some will just paint your driveway and leave it looking good but won’t add anything else to it. There are other products that will make your drive look fresh and new as well as enriching the old surface. These products will extend the life of your driveway as well as making it look good.
You Should Seal Your Drive Every Few Years
To keep your tarmac drive in good condition you should seal the surface every few years. To do this there several different makes of sealant on the market. When deciding which one to purchase you need to look for those that will protect your drive from the elements as well as providing a barrier to fuel and oil spills and other damaging substances. A good sealant will also protect against wear and tear as well as filling and sealing any hairline cracks your driveway may have.
There are many tarmac repair products available so there is bound to be one suitable for your drive. Any good DIY store or construction chemical suppliers will be able to advise you on the correct choice of product for your needs.