Cold Tarmac Repairs

Cold tarmac repair is easiest for DIY tarmac repair

Cold mix tarmac repair

Tarmac Patch

When your tarmac driveway was first constructed in all probability it would have been laid with a hot mixed tarmac which only professional companies are capable of doing. But when your driveway needs to be repaired you want to be able to use a cold tarmac repair process which will allow you to do it yourself.

Nothing lasts forever and tarmac drives are no exception. However if you follow the maintenance instructions given to you after it was first built it should last a long time. But there will come a time when you need to repair it. And when that time comes, unless you have lots of money of course, ideally you would like to be able to do it yourself.

DIY tarmac repair is best done using a cold process. Whether it is cracks that need sealing or potholes that need patching there is a cold solution out there suitable for you.

Of course it is possible for the enthusiastic, keen do it your-selfer to do the tarmac repair with a hot tarmac mix himself but there are a number of obstacles in the way.

  • Firstly it is unlikely you would be able to purchase hot mix in less than half tonne batches and you would need a light truck or pick-up to collect it in. If they were to deliver it as a part load the transport cost would be prohibitive, if not downright exorbitant.
  • On an average driveway with a three inch thick tarmac surface you would need to have at least six square metres needing patching.
  • You would then also have to be able to cope with the temperature of the mix which generally speaking would be around 160 degrees centigrade. To handle it you would also need specialized equipment which would be expensive even to hire for such a small job.

From this you can see that small tarmac repairs are best handled using a cold process

There are many tarmac repair products available from easy to handle tarmac repair bags to a complete tarmac repair kit.

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